My ship :-)
Bisschop v. Arkel
Fast french.
Kiel, sailing City.
Nice jacket. I've got the same. Peace to the Sea Shepherds.
Marie Gallante.
Washing machine. I could have watched for hours.
Schoggy the doggy.
Columbo. His big dream came true, to play on the Gorch Fock.
Drinking with the crew.
That's a cool research vessel.
Football dutch styley. Orange everywhere.
Who was first? The bike or the cables?
Arina. Beautiful name for a ship.
Riding the power-rib.
Count the ropes. The first three people with correct answers will be invited to a beer :-)
He never falls!
Sitting still on a bench, I had this company coming by.
Unfortunately, they were not running things that evening. During Kielerwoche, the thirst for good and groovy music can only grow huge with all this bullshity music played at the vendor's booth.
Heavy metal is also welcome to wash away the Deutscher Schlager.
Wakeboard lift. That be a cool thing to have in the garden.
Who's calling Kruzenstern? :-)
Public viewing.
What a funny deckhouse on this twomaster.
Hunt for food.
What a lonely job...
One hand Asma.
Pumuckl's old bed.
Crew evening cruise on the Oosterschelde. It was very inspiring to see all this sailors on one ship cruising and working together. Supernice spirit. Super beautiful ship! Thanx a lot for having us there! :-)
Enthusiasm and pride, pure.
The air was sun-dreched with red golden light and her eyes were like the gateway to infinite space. Time stood still, yet you could feel the universe vibrating. Magical moment.
Big bang!
Seacloud II. What an ugly furniture transporter!
Little Amazone.
Windjammers united.
Legendary pirate party on the Joanna Saturna
Zephyr. What's up, Renee?!
Frank welding a step in the engineroom.
Finishing work after Kielerweek, preparing for the schoolclass coming in some hours. 3 o'clock in the morning.